From Lillehammer, we took a beautiful and leisurely drive northwest through Gudbrandsdalen. At lunchtime, we stopped in Lom, a busy tourist hub, where we admired the stave church from the outside since the price was so steep to go inside (40 crowns) and visited the Norwegian Mountain Museum. After lunch, the drive became more and more beautiful as the day progressed.

We made one of the best stops of the trip at Dønfoss Camping, a small resort that had traditional camping cabins and a gorgeous outdoor pool set in the rocks next to a beautiful river. It was here that we saw the first evidence of Anders' driving skills when he had to back the bus down the road and into the parking lot of the resort.

From Dønfoss, we climbed higher and higher and were treated to beautiful views of the Norwegian mountains and mountain lakes. At the end of the drive, we had our first experience on roads with hairpin curves, but we quickly became adept at distracting one another from the harrowing views with witty conversation and good stories (thanks, Barb!).

We arrived safely in Geiranger, where we had a fabulous buffet dinner while looking out the windows at the beautiful Geiranger fjord below.

In the evening, we went to a folk music evening at the Fjord Center where we heard the Hardanger fiddle, the violin, and the Norwegian flute and watched two young couples in national costumes do several folk dances. The highlight of the evening, however, was when the fiddle player demonstrated his ability to play and dance at the same time!